How to take Abstract Pictures

How to take Abstract Pictutres - abstract pictures

- Using the colors and patterns to produce an image with no real purpose. No Subject.
- Featuring a pattern and texture, unlike other types of photography that is SUBJECTS.
- Produce an abstract image is easier just to get a good abstract image a bit difficult.
- How easy to produce an abstract image is by using flowing water. Use Shutter Speed ​​long to produce an image that seemed to move. But is the image that would result wouldseem to attract?
- The role of light is very important, with the sun slanting down slightly will result inbeautiful colors. Use ADOBE PHOTOSHOP software and the like to produce different colors later.
- Recording images of flags are flying when the wind using a long shutter SPEED alsowill produce an abstract image.
- Fill your picture space.
- Images of flowers taken with the short-haul and filled space abstak images also produces a good image.
- Where and in which also we are, there is something that we can make an abstractimage. Color, pattern and texture are key elements of the abstract image.
- There is no rule or law in the abstract images. Use our imiginasi forces with the environment to produce an abstract image of a good.

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